New Horizons Beyond Gender Tyranny: Lessons In Learning
To be posted on this site on a semi-regular basis.
On my Anastasia The Storyteller Radio Show yesterday I introduced the topic of “No Not Me!” The #Metoo Movement And The Issue Of Male Resistance.”
The topic is so BIG and BROAD, HIGH AND DEEP that today I am instituting a whole new series for this site; the topic of “No not me!” This will be the male track of where we (New Horizons and myself) are heading now to make our contribution, with Beyond Gender Tyranny to be our destination! Full and complete!
Look for my postings on a semi-regular basis here!
The opportunity I/we (at New Horizons) have been needing, in order to offer New Horizons' very best, top of the line resources, has now arrived in the form of the gift of the Harvey Weinstein/Hollywood scandals and their reverberating aftermath. These situations open up a clear window to viewing many aspects of our society's social and political dynamics that have, heretofore, been hidden.
Of course! The hidden aspect is what is so profound.
Now revealed these elements of dysfunction in our society leave us with many new opportunities to better ourselves. At the top of the list we are now offered a renewed opening for examining what truly constitutes be a winner and what makes a loser.
Check out my discussion on Harvey Weinstein as characteristic of a loser. And place that up against what I/we are suggesting genuine winners do differently.
These contrasting ways of being, when closely examined, allow us to consider the choices we make in living our lives, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in ways that have enormous consequences.
When closely investigated from a perspective of what each one of us can learn from these scandals, not just from pointing a finger at those in the limelight, but instead pointing that finger back at ourselves, these incidents offer us much of what we need, now, to help us reach for whole new level of humanity.
Long time coming, if we take up the opportunity! The resounding call of the gifts these occurences have left in their wake is simply too loud, too demanding and too important to be silenced! We must use this call wisely.
I will soon be following up what I introduced yesterday on my radio show titled “No Not Me!” The #Metoo Movement And The Issue Of Male Resistance” with many new angles on the subject. I find myself, personally, edified by the discussion I had in doing the broadcast.
I am going to keep on, for a good while, contemplating what I learned and be passing it on to you, my readers. There is quite a discussion pending now from that show.
My first step is to “officially” proclaim my various new series, broadcast/podcast and blogs on all three sites for which I write (and more), to be more carefully aligned than ever in the area of what I (and “WE” at New Horizons) can now offer to our heavily challenged social and political environment, addressing, not only the issue of male resistance, but what women, including myself, of course, need to develop skill at managing, for our wholeness and health.
The female track of this topic will head off with a forthcoming series of shows – and – related blog articles, at various times, on all three of the sites for which I write, under the subject heading (or some abbreviated labeling)
The Role Of Woman In The Face Of Resistance
The radio show I did yesterday was my first, extended opportunity to publicly interview and discuss this most critical topic of “No, Not Me": The #Metoo Movement And The Issue Of Male Resistance” with a “willing” male. And, thus, to my own satisfaction, begin to have the opportunity to have the in depth experience of starting to truly learn what New Horizons and myself anticipate will be discovered from our new “Beyond Gender Tyranny Study of Male Attitudes.”
It was an awesome experience for me, yesterday, to do that show with my friend, Dennis Fischer. He taught me much in just being present to discuss the topic, as I presented it.
Give yourself an interesting experience by listening to that show. And be sure to write me and let me know if you were able to get even a hint about why the event of my having Dennis on that show was so inspiring for me. So BIG and BROAD, HIGH AND DEEP!
My guess is you won’t get it! Or much of the “IT” I am trying to tell you about.
That’s ok. That’s why I’m here to guide you in cutting through the brush on the adventure of a lifetime! I want to see each and every man and woman head for that awesome destination that allows us to celebrate our best as humans and not sink into the chaos and darkness presently surrounding the #Metoo movement.
On my end, nonetheless, I got a rich set of takeaways from that show yesterday.
These provided me a gateway, from where I sit now, writing only briefly to get a few thoughts off my chest, on this rather cloudy Easter morning, that are helping me realize that the climb we must, now, make to get to that wondrous place I call the peak of the Mountain of Awe will be as daunting as any formerly climbed!
However, from where I stand today, I can see the summit!
And, know that, for myself, that’s where I’m heading!
Will you join me on the climb?
Will you meet me on the trek to the mountaintop where we will be able to join in celebrating our efforts?
I hope so!
Get ready, get set, go -- men and women, if moving beyond gender tyranny is your intent.
This will be a battle for life and death! (Trust me, I know firsthand, as some of you other women might also know!) And one you will not easily be able to turn your backs upon.
That’s why I call this undertaking the “adventure of a lifetime,” demanding, first and foremost that you “explore your dark side” -- men and women!
In it lies your liberation, your freedom; your personal transformation! Moving beyond gender tyranny is it’s impetus!
More to come!
Note to reader: Hey, guys, I realize there is a lot of metaphor and mystery to what I am writing here. I would love to know which of you – and – what you are able to decipher of it all.
Write and let me know at:, the new email account I have now set up for the journey of moving “beyond gender tyranny.”
Site materials are based on the research, theories and clinical treatment and organizational development strategies of Martin G. Groder, M.D. and Anastasia Rosen-Jones (formerly Marcia E. Rosen). The Groder-Rosen formal name for the "Dark Side" is the "Survivor Addict".