Reflections on the Prologue, Part 3:
The Experiment Not To Do
The section that follows is far and away one of the most important parts of the entire book as far as I am concerned. The story embedded in it is an account in which Groder tells of his awakening realization, leading him to reason that --
High Leadership People (HLP) and convicts operate from almost identical perspectives about other people, life and the role of his/her in it, only the social level of games played differ.
I will refer to this personal experience story of Groder’s as well as my own that precedes this section (see Prologue, Part 2: Meeting Groder) to illustrate exactly how it is that this notion --
High Leadership People (HLP) and convicts operate from almost identical perspectives about other people, life and the role of his/her in it --
develops and comes to be acted out in different personality types, the survivor/addict personality, quite possibly with marked gender differences.
This will be an essential principle to understand and heed if one's choice is to, personally, ascend and contribute to the betterment of our society as we have been discussing in reports and activities deriving from New Horizons' Possible Human, Possible Society Study and in our Possible Society In Motion Radio Shows.
This is the key concept upon which all New Horizons practices, projects and programs are based. This includes the construction of all that we do, from the manner in which we run our board of directors, our volunteer training and all public materials, programs and projects, including our blog sites and radio shows.
The Experiment Not To Do
The section that follows is far and away one of the most important parts of the entire book as far as I am concerned. The story embedded in it is an account in which Groder tells of his awakening realization, leading him to reason that --
High Leadership People (HLP) and convicts operate from almost identical perspectives about other people, life and the role of his/her in it, only the social level of games played differ.
I will refer to this personal experience story of Groder’s as well as my own that precedes this section (see Prologue, Part 2: Meeting Groder) to illustrate exactly how it is that this notion --
High Leadership People (HLP) and convicts operate from almost identical perspectives about other people, life and the role of his/her in it --
develops and comes to be acted out in different personality types, the survivor/addict personality, quite possibly with marked gender differences.
This will be an essential principle to understand and heed if one's choice is to, personally, ascend and contribute to the betterment of our society as we have been discussing in reports and activities deriving from New Horizons' Possible Human, Possible Society Study and in our Possible Society In Motion Radio Shows.
This is the key concept upon which all New Horizons practices, projects and programs are based. This includes the construction of all that we do, from the manner in which we run our board of directors, our volunteer training and all public materials, programs and projects, including our blog sites and radio shows.
organizational basics have two main, underlying practices as their intention; 1.
Modeling and teaching “what not to do” and; 2. Modeling and teaching “what to
do” that will result in personal and collective human functioning at its
optimum. The former, the “what not to do” is based on Marty’s teachings and my expansions
of these, the latter on those of Murat Yagan and the ancient principles of
community living that come of his Ahmsta Kebzeh heritage.
fundamentals, as you will, hopefully come to see, provide us with an approach
that confronts “what not to do” behaviors and attitudes in daily life, socially
and politically, and offers teaching, instruction, role modeling and guidance on
the “what to do;” a phenomenal and far-reaching systematic approach to social development and change on both
personal, societal and political levels.
But for now I am getting a bit ahead
of myself. So I will now offer the portion of the manuscript that follows and
return to it later to make my analysis and facilitate your being able to draw
from it as a teaching story.