The Cost of Having A
Survivor/Addict Personality
Well, so what? Big deal.
How much different than most everyone else around you are
Big deal. So you like to chase after excitement. Maybe your
habits, especially when they come to excessive money expenditures are a bit
over the top.
Big deal. At least you’re enjoying life so why give this
stuff much attention?
Well, here’s a bit more of the puzzle. See what you can do
with it while you are deciding whether or not to keep visiting this blog site.
6 Ways The
Survivor/Addict Personality Costs You
Low Self-Esteem: Adrenalin Addict behavior is
compulsive, out of control, counterproductive, expensive in time, energy and
relationships. Actually this kind of behavior brings more pain than pleasure in
the long run.
Ask yourself
Does it ever bother you that sometimes a Force greater than
yourself seems to be in charge of your life, your time, your money? And, maybe
it isn’t the Force of goodness and Light whose ends are rewarding and happy?
Does it ever bother you that sometimes you burn yourself out
doing things that afterwards seem to have been a waste of time?
Low Opinion by Others: Adrenalin Addict behavior is often
experienced by others as disruptive, intrusive, chaotic and energy draining.
Ask yourself
Does it ever bother you that sometimes your behaviors are
irritating and draining for others?
Have you ever thought to ask others whether or not they
experience you in this manner?
If you did, were you satisfied with their answers?
Low Cooperation with
Others: Adrenalin Addict behavior invites adversarial, defensive
and/or competitive responses from others.
Ask yourself
Do others find me to be a good team player?
Do I tend to invite out cooperation or competition from
Frequent Turnover of Friendships: Lovers,
friends, spouses, jobs, interests, money (easy come, easy go), careers, ideas,
fads, and values, Adrenalin Addict living leads to a shallow, blocked
Ask yourself
Do I tend to give up easily on relationships, or do others give up on
Do I find myself tending to feel bored and unfulfilled in my
friendships or intimate relationships?
Does my life seem to have more surface than substance?
Increasing Sense of Despair With Age: In the
Survivor/Addict maturity and mellowness do not increase with age. Rather as time
goes on Adrenalin Addict living becomes less feasible, and the beauty and
strength in life diminishes. Tolerance to environmental toxicity lessens and
the side effects of excess excitement increases as the individual burns out and
runs out of people with whom to play addict games. It is all just too costly!
WARNING! Adrenalin/Excitement Addiction can
lead to emotional/psychological breakdowns, disease, institutionalization and
premature death.
Survivor/Addict Living Is Very
(And Dark when you get to its

Update – January 30, 2015
The following article was posted,
originally, on Anastasia The Storyteller blog site as …
The story of “Mommy, I hate your eye patch!” (Part 1)
Words of a seven year old; my seven year old, named Elisa Joy.
I can still hear them ring out as loud and clear in my mind as if
they had just been spoken yesterday.
“Mommy, I hate your eye
Anastasia (Formerly Marcia E. Rosen) circa 1970 |
These were the words that changed my life; the words of my seven
year old daughter speaking in the code of childhood. One had to be able to
de-code child-ese to be able to understand them.
They told me she felt abandoned and betrayed by the
disproportionate time I spent away from her, handling my cornea transplants (by
this time to I was going on #4 in close to as many years), my workaholism driven career – and
-- then the hours given over to socializing.
To this day, no other words have ever quite made their way through
t0 my heart so pointedly.