Site materials are based on the research, theories and clinical treatment and organizational development strategies of Martin G. Groder, M.D. and Anastasia Rosen-Jones (formerly Marcia E. Rosen). The Groder-Rosen formal name for the "Dark Side" is the "Survivor Addict".

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Defeating The Dark Side


Are you truly serious about wanting to defeat the Dark Side, in yourself, in others and in the world around you?

If so, check out Anastasia The Storyteller for several, new thought-provoking articles on how that site’s (and this one's) sponsoring organization, the New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” Project are here to inspire your efforts.
Check out Anastasia'sWatergate story here.

Along with our Founder and Executive Director, Anastasia Rosen-Jones (Me), we are all presently on course, seeking victory over the Dark Side’s destructiveness, personally, in relationships, groups, organizations, businesses, communities and in our “neighborhood,” including the nation’s capital.

Two new Anastasia The Storyteller articles --
  1. On The Subject Of Chaos In The Coming Into Clarity Within Oneself In The Era Of The Trump Administration/Congressional Dysfunction; and 
  2. The Complexities Of Seeing And Saying
offer insight on some of how we -- and especially Anastasia -- are progressing on this path.

Of course defeating the Dark Side is no easy task -- and -- one that New Horizons does not actually intend to succeed at. Rather our mission is about transforming the Dark Side. 

Transforming the Dark Side means the alchemy of turning the lead of the Dark into the gold of the Light, an innate capability each and everyone of us has within us, if we determine to do so. The “adventure of a lifetime is in the doing, the essence of which is a long and complicated tale.

However, read the page on this site titled “Humanities Mysterious Power Source” to get a sense of what we are meaning on this point. You will discover that this transformation process is an energy thing, if you are able to decipher the meaning intended.

Then make an effort to discuss the contents, if you will, with Anastasia on the subject for a most enlightening conversation --

At a forthcoming discussion event -- Coming Soon!  A Truth Or Dare Movement Dialogue On Changing The Current U.S.A. Culture; and when she gets back on the air on her two radio show programs –
  1. The Possible Society In Motion Radio Show – and –
  2. The Anastasia The Storyteller Radio Show
Also, do you know that the New Horizons Small ”Zones Of Peace” Project has a full range of programs, projects and teaching guidelines – enlivened by personal stories on  Anastasia The Storyteller to guide and support you in doing this transformation work, including information on our Dark Side transforming signature program, New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME.

Check these out!

Anastasia is also available for coaching, consulting and support to help you, personally and in your relationships, groups and organizations, to succeed at this transformative task.

Anastasia The Super Sleuth  -- To help you track down the d'evil.
Anastasia, The Guide -- To help you navigate your way through the Dark Sides underground hiding places, that of yours or someone else's, uproot and transform them.