Site materials are based on the research, theories and clinical treatment and organizational development strategies of Martin G. Groder, M.D. and Anastasia Rosen-Jones (formerly Marcia E. Rosen). The Groder-Rosen formal name for the "Dark Side" is the "Survivor Addict".

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Art Of Flipping The Dark Side

Think of it this way -- 

Have you ever wished you could help influence -- in a healthy way, of course -- the discounting, denial and lying you see in some around you?

I know how -- as part of a team -- a WE!

We'll show you how.

We've got the method -- success guaranteed if -- you do your part.

Just in time for Election 2024!

We'll show you how -- to come out a winner! It begins -- on our end -- with your participation in our Ms Class: Season Two, facilitated by Anastasia, its follow-up online Study Group, led by Board Member Jill Catlett

Vetting has now begun.

Contact Jill @

Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Best Gaslighting Deterrent Ever

Coming soon as a series

How can I tell you, dear reader, what it was like for me to walk into the first night of a week-end long seminar and for the first time ever have the experience of the puzzles that are me and my life fall into a cohesive, well-ordered, systematic pattern.

And readily in a manner I could count on, the system I had learned there i could almost measurably, on purpose and reliably be counted on to help me define and clarify reality dependably, up to a point.

Beyond that point the system and the method were also teaching me how to engage with others, also in reliably successful ways  -- up to a point. And, if not successful, learning options for understanding what went wrong and reliable fix it options, if appropriate.

Today those systems and their related principles and strategies are the foundations for the Black Bear Mountain Village Project == a potential mental health solution for our times, in the effort to recover. emotionally and practically -- from the pandemic and all that's gone with it for now going on four years.

Listen in too for our forthcoming related podcast series.

To be continued.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023