Site materials are based on the research, theories and clinical treatment and organizational development strategies of Martin G. Groder, M.D. and Anastasia Rosen-Jones (formerly Marcia E. Rosen). The Groder-Rosen formal name for the "Dark Side" is the "Survivor Addict".

Friday, February 18, 2022

It's Official: Groder - Rosen Addiction Development" Theory's Intriguing and Empowering Backstory To Be Told

 ...fictionalized in Anastasia's forthcoming fantasy, historical novel, "Camelot Disrupted."

The true tale, empowering and inspiring with its beginnings in the late 1960s.

Publication expected, March, 2023.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

High Leadership People (HLP) And Convicts Share The Same Basic Personality Structure,: Said Groder

 Under construction

The year was 1980 as I sat attentively listening to Dr. Martin Groder lecture at a two-day pre-conference workshop on survivor-type personalities and their addictions -- natural, organic defense strategies living in "civilized" cultures such as those modern humankind has evolved into.

My life was about to change!

More to come, as Anastasia now approaches her first book writing milestone for "Camelot Disrupted: Book One - Lost Hope Regained."

Follow Anastasia's "adventure of a lifetime" as it unfolds.